Tuesday, May 11, 2010


okso i have this baby squirrel. it wont drink a lot of this stuuf we got from the pet store and it it sleeping or trying to...im afrid he will die. plez i need any info on helpp it^.^ thax like ways to see if its healthy and how to get it to feed and such^^ plez help meBABY SQUIRREL!!HELP!!?
the best thing is to take ur squirrel and let it go on to the wild, there it may heal by itself. i did that with my hamster when it was sick=[ hope the squirrel survivesBABY SQUIRREL!!HELP!!?
Feed it milk. Or cats milk. If it wont drink make it. If its cold make it warm.

-put it in a hot room

-and put blankets or bedding if have some in it.

Keep it a live as long as possible.

Keep it in a dark room also. I t makes it cool its mind down
im so sorry but it more than likely is going to die with out its mother trust me i have tried to do that before its a sad sad thing :'( but if you want it tolive call a vet they will know what to do to save its little life :)
hurry it to a vet as fast as you can! dont let it stay like this! keep him warm and stable, wrap him up in a blanket, and hold him in you`r lap while your driving him.
if you cant bring the squirrel to the vet or the vet to the squirrel then call the vet and keep a close eye on your little critter
take it to a vet pronto! then ask her were to take it

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