If that doesn't work, sorry to say you're stuck with moth balls.. Try the seeds first, good luck.What to do about keeping squirrels from digging up newly planted bulbs?
I always cover my newly planted bulbs with the black plastic mesh any home improvement store sells for gutter cover. It comes in rolls of 20 feet or so and is pretty cheap. After planting the bulbs, I cut the mesh to fit the planting and then secure it with landscaping pins....then in the spring, right when the bulbs are sprouting, remove the pins and mesh. both products can be reused later for the same purpose. Good luckWhat to do about keeping squirrels from digging up newly planted bulbs?
Castor oil, or castor oil products made for moles will also repel squirrels and other digging critters. If you can find castor oil at the drug store, mix a cup of it with a gallon of water and a squirt of liquid soap. Then spray the area with it. I have seen really good results with this. Some people use it to keep their dogs from digging the yard up. Hope that helps!
Buy Blood Meal at the local garden shop. It is a good fertilizer for your bulbs, and it makes wild animals avoid the area.
Otherwise, get a live trap, catch them and transport to another area for release. Best bait in this case is a bulb.
After you put the bulbs in the ground, cover them with a wire piece of fencing. I do this and then cover the wire with dirt. The critters can not get through the holes in the wire but the bulb will find its way up.
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