well i say you have a rare gift but no i dont think your nuts many animals are in tuned with us and we think on them as our children so to speak but squirrels are very smart they know to store for winter they can sense danger next time you talk to your squirrel friends ask them about me im paulI can talk to squirrels, and they tell me about my past life?
young lady they can not.That is a sign of things in your past which I suggest you see a good Christian counselor to help you bring it out in the open and get rid of it.
You should do a segment on Dr. Phil or Ellen or something they'd eat it up! Maybe it's more of a Geraldo thing, actually...
Write a book, at least.
Yor not NUTS, i believe you and think its fantastic. What have you found out about your past life, Message me if you like.
I heard about animals having unique sense in identifying world calamities
Ask them where you can see a good psychiatrist.
they are furry friendly tree jumping gibbons!
Yea, so what's up with Blossom and Buttercup these days??
You are ';NUTS'; and CRACKING up
Good for you. What is your question?
u have got major problems.see a doctor
Leave the drugs alone!!!
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