In my humble opinion, this squirrel was sexually excited. I followed a squirrel for a good 30 minutes the other day because he was acting...very...odd. He looked confused, lost, twitchy. He was jumping up and down and spinning. After I waited, another squirrel came up to him and...well...the rest is pretty x-rated.Squirrel doing front flips!?
More likely, they get aggressive when they have rabies (squirrel cases of rabies are rare). If it wasn't too unusual maybe, playing (perhaps other squirrels nearby). Maybe, just hurt itself somehow, ate something toxic (or drugs from the garbage somewhere) making it behave strange, poor thing.
Either that squirrel was once kept by circus actors/somebody who takes gymnastics and let go or you're hallucinating 0 _ 0
[No offense!]
He was playing. Squirrels live to play, and part of their playing is jumping and bouncing and doing flips.
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