Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Capuchin or squirrel monkey?

which ones make better pets?- monkey owners, this is for you.

which ones live longer, do they need a compainion, which ones have a better temperament? share your stories!


squirrel- or squirrel monkey?
This is really a personal thing. A squirrel monkey mom would say go for the squirrel and a cap mom would say go for the cap. You need to look up both breeds and decide whats best for you and your family.

I have capuchins and i wouldn't trade them for the world. BUT its lots of work with any primate and YES a companion would be a good thing. With either breed. IF you have to leave them home for a few hours its a lot better for them to have a friend to stay with them.They can get very lonely and stress can kill them. GOOD LUCK with witch ever you chose.Capuchin or squirrel monkey?
Actually monkeys don't make real good pets. They can get mean and be very unruly.
i would choose both

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