Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Salting a squirrel's tail...?

How long should I keep the salt on a squirrel's tail for?

It's been covered for about a day now, and I don't want to mess it up by taking it out of the salt too soon.

The bone is still in the tail also.

Please no anti-hunting remarks. I don't need to hear your opinion about that.Salting a squirrel's tail...?
You could use a tail stripper to get the hide off the tail bone. Here is a link talking about different ways to do this;


Here is what one type of tail stripper looks like;


There is also a tail zipper;


It鈥檚 used to cut the tail hide and some use a wire rod as a guide. A car antenna, the kind that鈥檚 solid steel that tapers to a point, works good as a guide. You slide it under the skin from the vent hole to the tails tip and then use a sharp knife, razor, or tail zipper and cut along the antenna.

Here is another forum talking about some of this;


After you strip the flesh off the bone you can cure it with borax powder. A mixture of alum, salt and borax will also work. Rub it into the hide and then stretch it. You can then use wood smoke to give it a dark brown color. Get some charcoal hot make a teepee over it with a small opening at the top, hang your stretching board at top at least 5 feet from the hot coals, then cover the teepee frame with an old bead sheet or tarp, then add green hickory to the hot coals to produce dense smoke. Let it smoke for 4 to 6 hours and it should have a nice brown color to it.Salting a squirrel's tail...?
If you skinned it right there would not be a bone in it still, and drying and curing would be much easier, with the bone in it will stink and rot and eventually deteriorate, i suggest throwing that one away and next time when you skin it peel that skin all the way, when you get to tail with a good grip on skin just pull and the tail should peel right off bone, as far as salting, scrape all meat off down to skin before salting and let dry in the sun after couple weeks should be dried out
* Bone out, not left in * When removing the skin from the tailbone place two (2) pieces of green wood sticks one on top %26amp; one underneath and grip both and pull.* Works like a zipper, quick and easy to remove the furry tail from the bone.*
B's got it right.

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